Thursday, March 28, 2013

I think I can, I think I can...

 I bought a new pair of shoes so I can start running again.  I look forward to warmer temperatures and taking off this winter weight!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Running 13.1 miles...

I said I retired March 2010 and then I was "conned" into running again. My friend Meg convinced me to run the Derby Mini Marathon with her, then her knee went out and she was under doctors orders to not run at all. So, I was left by myself (well, JB did run it as well, he was just faster than I was). Again, I finished the 13.1 miles and decided that 5k and 10k's are the distance for me, I don't need to run 13.1 miles at one time ever again....until next year

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm back...

Yes, it is true! I have joined a gym and am running again. I am running a 5k on February 26th, then a 10k on March 12th, a 10 miler on March 26th and the Derby half marathon on April 30th. Anyone want to join me?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mizuno's througout the year...

I've started running again so I will be ready for the Princess Half Marathon in March! I have a new pair of shoes this year since my last pair was a half size too small and I ended up losing my big toenail on my left foot. I loved my hot pink Mizuno's but that was last years model, so we upgraded to a 2010 model which is a teal color. I'm not a huge fan but they feel good and that is all that matters! Alex thought all the shoes were a lot of fun to play with

My new shoes....2010 Mizuno Elixir 4's

My first pair of running shoes that I purchased years ago. I decided many years ago (before kids) that I was going to start running, it never happened and these ended up being worn with casual clothes, but they are still around. Probably time to retire them!

Monday, September 14, 2009

We did it...the Chicago Half Marathon. We went into this thinking we were going to do the 5k but on mile 1.5 JB convinced us (we met up with JB's good friend Jason) that we should the the entire half marathon. We did it, but I must say it was HARD!! My knees were killing me. I had bought new running shoes and was going to "test them" on the 5k, so when we were in the long haul of 13.1 miles I realized the shoes do not fit me correctly. So, I will be purchasing yet another pair of running shoes. Is it too much to ask for a shoe to support my high arches, be good for someone who over pronates and have a wide enough toe box so my toenails don't fall off?? I'm sure Ken Combs Running Store will be able to fit me with a great I come! I have to get ready for the Princess Half Marathon in March, 2010 and hope to keep all my toenails.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm back...

Yes, I've been a slacker, but we are running the Chicago half marathon in a few weeks and I really haven't done squat about working out/getting ready for this since June. Not good, to say the least, but a couple weeks ago I went and ran a couple miles and tonight I ran 2.5 miles and from now until Sept 13th I'm going to be running 3 times a week. JB tried quitting on me already, but I told him he couldn't, it is paid for and he is going to do it so he better get out there and start running!!! (hahaha) Wish us luck.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yesterday we ran the "YMCA run to the sun" 4 miler. The weather was great and we had a good time. It was JB's first race and he did great. He has been training more than me, and it showed. I really need to start running more often so I am ready for the Chicago Half Marathon in September. Carrie B and I ran together (we ran the mini together), we are good running partners and seem to have the same pace, I'm glad to have someone to run with, it makes the time go by so much faster. Thank you Carrie!
We have decided to do the September Half Marathon in Chicago instead of the rock n roll half in August since the weather will probably (hopefully) be a little cooler. We shall see, it will be a fun trip nonetheless since we are making a long weekend of it with my parents joining us.