Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 1...

So, over the weekend my best friend, Sheri, convinced me to run in the Disney Princess Half Marathon on March 8, 2009. This blog will follow my training for the next 14 weeks. My goal is to complete the half marathon (13.1 miles) in under the 3.5 hour time frame that is allotted, and hopefully lose some of this baby weight at the same time.
JB and I did not belong to a gym, so yesterday we went to sign up at one that is close to our house. All my workout clothes are too tight, but I will not spend money on more since hopefully in a few weeks they will fit just fine. This is the motivation I needed to get my butt in gear, I'm looking forward to going to Florida for a weekend with just 3 other girls and getting back into shape.
Day 1
Woke up at 5:30 and ran 2.15 miles in 26 minutes, not too bad seeing that I haven't run at all in the past 3 years!


Anonymous said...

After the princess run, you'll be ready for the mini or even the full marathon for the derby festival!! My dad's done the mini for the past 3 years. How sad a 55 year old is more fit than a 23 year old!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Colleen! This is going to be so fun for you!